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Meet Nathan W Pyle

Meet Nathan W Pyle - Candlefy

Hey Nathan, tell us about your work!

I love to draw cartoons that celebrate how life is deeply meaningful yet delightfully absurd.

How did you get started?

I started out drawing t-shirt designs for various t-shirt sites on the internet before I discovered drawing comics was even more fun.

Where do you find inspiration?

First I find it in my family - my wife Taylor and extremely curious toddler, Quinn. Then I see it everywhere in the city, in the interactions of strangers and friends and even the wildlife.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Be as weird as possible and ask even more questions! You cannot ask too many questions.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself.

I love bananas so much. I was allergic to bananas for a few years and then I wasn’t, and it was like rediscovering a long lost friend.


To learn more about Nathan, visit him at: and @nathanwpylestrangeplanet