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Meet Vivien Keidel

Meet Vivien Keidel - Candlefy

Hey Vivien, tell us about your work!

I make trippy, psychedelic artwork that has elements of geometric designs, kaleidoscopic patterns and bright colors. I do multimedia work but I am most known for my canvas paintings that always include eyes in some aspect of the painting.

How did you get started?

I have always made art throughout my life and I found my psychedelic style in high school. However, I did not start sharing my art publicly until 2020 when I created an instagram for my artwork. From there, my artwork blossomed into what it is today.

Where do you find inspiration?

I find inspiration from colorful Pop Art and trippy designs from Illusion art. I also draw inspiration from geometric patterns and beautiful aspects from nature.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

I would tell my younger self to never give up your dreams and continue making art that you love. However, I would also remind my younger self that I am young and I should have fun rather than constantly worry about the future.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself.

Fun fact, I also have a science side to myself and I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry last year!


To learn more about Vivien, visit her at: and @vivillus

Click here to visit Vivien's Candle Shop